Augtraveler is a DIPP approved Startup project in Heritage and Culture Travel space. The Augtraveler platform incorporates Augmented Reality, Geo-Fencing and Multimedia to enhance the visitor experience at the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India in Phase 1, with a roadmap to build Augtraveler experiences for the top 100 World Heritage Sites globally, in consecutive phases. The platform builds on self-guided AR and Geo location-based heritage trails, which connects the travellers directly with the ‘localhost communities in the vicinity of the heritage sites thereby promoting the intangible cultural heritage of a region, whilst facilitating in the evolution of a Sustainable Livelihood Model for the ‘host communities’. The project also has a school outreach program wherein the Multidisciplinary activity books have been designed for school children in alignment with the experiential learning pedagogy. The mandate of this module is to highlight and utilize the visits to the World Heritage Sites as Knowledge Dissemination Zones, rather than being a picnic spot.

The project vision is aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals of 12b, 11, 8 and 4.

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