to be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history;

Criterion (iv) : Jaipur represents a dramatic departure from extant medieval cities with its ordered, grid-like structure – broad streets, crisscrossing at right angles, earmarked sites for buildings, palaces, havelis, temples and gardens, neighbourhoods designated for particular castes and occupations. The main markets, shops, havelis and temples on the main streets were constructed by the state, thus ensuring that a uniform street facade is was maintained in Jaipur. The city planning of Jaipur remains a unique response to the terrain that amalgamates ideas from an ancient Indian treatise to contemporary global town plans and Imperial Mughal architecture to finally produce a monumental urban form, unparalleled in its scale and magnificence for its times. While the grid iron pattern of planning has been used historically in city planning, its application at such a monumental scale for a planned trade city, along with its particular urban form, makes it an important example in the history of urban planning of the Indian subcontinent. The continuity of the architecture and urban form is enhanced by the functions of trade and craftsmanship that reflect the living heritage character of this innovative urban settlement.

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